Hi, I’m Sarah
Welcome to Stay at Home Sarah! A place where I share lots of recipe ideas for healthy, home cooked food, homemaking tips and encouragement, and homesteading inspiration and resources we love.
I’m Sarah, a Wisconsin native settled in the northwoods raising boys with my husband, Todd. I became a stay at home mom 7 years ago when our oldest son was born. I always wanted to be a mom, and I am so blessed to be able to stay at home and invest in my family- my greatest ministry and highest calling.
Before having kids, I enjoyed being busy with school, work, church, friends, etc. etc. etc. So it was a major transition to be at home with a baby and not have much of a schedule (apart from one that revolved around him eating and sleeping). During this season, I discovered that I had time to start learning the traditional skills that I had always admired but had never been able to spend time practicing and experimenting with. In addition to caring for my husband and child, I fell in love with caring for a home and garden. I spent hours reading and researching how to make soap, how to feed a sourdough starter, and everything in between.
Over the years, we’ve added more babies and more skills to our repertoire as we try to live simply and seasonally, as we believe God intended. Our family has grown and so has our desire to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food made from scratch. The process has been challenging but beautiful, and we love to share with others the things we have learned along the way.
I’m so glad you’re here! I pray that this blog would encourage you no matter what season of life you’re in, and inspire you to try something new! Happy homemaking!
Fun Facts About Me
I’d rather be
at the creek
Listening to
summer breeze
grateful for
my family
Favorite place
my weekends
always outside
best snuggle buddies
my hubs & babies!
where this all began…
In December of 2016, we found out that I had a cancerous tumor in my lung. I was 23, and our oldest son was only a few months old. Needless to say, this news was shocking. We did not have much time to process everything that was happening by the time I had surgery to remove my right lung only a couple weeks later. It was a whirlwind of a season that changed our lives and our perspectives forever. The surgery was successful, and there have been no signs of cancer ever since – praise God! During that time, God grew our faith and trust in him, our marriage, and our gratitude and appreciation for all of the people that God had placed in our lives who prayed for us and endlessly supported us.
Having cancer at a young age caused to evaluate a lot of things- one of them certainly being our health. We became more aware of the ingredients we were cooking with, things we were putting on our skin and the products we were exposing ourselves to in our home. This sparked a passion in us to live more closely to the way God intended by eating whole foods and eliminating toxins. We certainly aren’t perfect at it, but we have committed to making a conscious effort to raising our family in a healthy environment.